Tuesday, November 10, 2009

destination tokyo

yesterday evening

i went to clooney,

on sales st

with hannah and ties,
to have a drink with ties' cousin

ties also finished his exams yesterday.

so he understood the feeling of freedom...


i decided to celebrate. by purchasing a delicious cocktail

i open the menu,
and the first cocktail listed is

'destination tokyo'

like wholey crap.

so fitting.

needless to say,
i had to purchase.

wasnt as amazing as i had of hoped for.
but was still deliciously good.

we went to neighbourhood

matt and liam joined

and then to the dominion
to see mel

and she cheered me up with marshmallows!

so adorable she is.

then we all ventured back to my flat.
and had a cup of tea.


prior to this eventful evening,
hannah and i had niced hang time.

photos arent working...
(i think my card reader may be broken...)

and i dont recall where exactly the cord is.



i may go to sleep nowish.

work tomorrow.


feel free to visit me.

i would actually really loves it.

lonely times work is.

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