Thursday, April 29, 2010

i am back

on the computer.

again, only for a short while.

i am ment to be searching for jobs etc.
but i cant be bothered.

i may have found a cheapish place to live.
which could be nice.

but then i will run out of money again... not nice.

luckily mama is going to transfer me some funds!!
thankyou mummy.

im slightly freaking out about my visa.
as i have to go all the way to nagoya to get it, and i dont know if its ready.
and etcetc.

last night i did an all nighter with my host sister.
we went to get purikura (sticker photos), went bowling with her friends (have i mentioned how bad at bowling i am?!?!?!? for the first 5 turns, i only got gutterballs) but it was fun. afterwards, we went to all night karaoke till 5 in the morning.

feeling it now.

the lack of sleep and all.

karaoke wasnt as much fun as it could have been, as they put us in the room with an old system maybe? anyways, there was no furigana on the kanji in the japanese songs (kanji is the hard core chinese symbols) (and furigana is hiragana written on top). so i couldnt sing japanese songs! well i could, but its hard when you cant read one word, and then it puts you off completely and blah blah blah.

it was still enjoyable though. as i love love love karaoke!!!!!!

marie (my host sister) says that im 人気者 which means, a popular thing. amoungst her friends, as they all want to meet me.
the ones that i have met so far are fun!!!
and i want to meet more.

tonight, i am working my first evening shift at the indian restaurant. i have no idea what they are wanting me for. or if i am an employee. and they are the hardest people to ask. i hate washing dishes also. as that is part of my job. but a job is a job right?!?! and i will power through it.

i really hope i get paid. as my wages are pretty much my train fare from my host families house to there as its so far away.

hmmm. yes. well. no other news that i can think of.

except i made my signature dish (pumpkin lentil curry) for my host family last night, and they liked it! whooo. hahaha. i obviously enjoyed it. as i love it!! yummm.

anyways. best get going and get ready for my journey to work.

and hiromi, keep up the comments.
japan is not the same without you.

1 comment:

  1. I`m back on the commenting front!

