Wednesday, December 23, 2009


in manyways...

i tried snowboarding today!!!


i dont know which way i should go.
normal or goofy.
because both are hard.

i can use either board. but different ways.
so with each one, i put the wrong foot foward, so i would change board so i was still facing the same way, but had a different foot foward.
didnt work. i just went the other way...
am i strange?
maybe just really bad!!!

i decided also to get a lesson.
bad idea.
a) because i suck.
and b) because i dont understand japanese fluently.

needless to say.

i could NOT get up! after i buckled in the shoe.
because it was on a slope. and the assisstant pretty much spent the whole time with me. because i was so bad!! hahaha. the instructor kept calling me jessica. i just thought he was using some word directed at me.... haha. they also kept saying 'stop stop stop stop' like i didnt understand. i understood. i just couldnt stop....haha.

i couldnt do the 'falling leaf'. still cant. ive been practicing all day!
i can officially go down a slope (only if its not steep) with the board facing foward. with out screaing. and bailing too many times. so i am quite happy. wheeeeeeeee.

i also thought that after my renshuu session, i should be able to go down one of the slopes.

not a chance. i did try. for about 20minutes. but it was so steep. and i was so scared. especially because the only thing i can do is go really fast, in whatever way the slope is sloping...
no turns. no stops.

i lie. my stop is me, falling.
so, tomorrow i was thinking of going back to the snowboarding school. and seeing if i am more able.
but im still undecided.
also undecided about whether i should wake up super early so i can have breakfast with the guys.
there is so nothing to do here, because we are so isolated, that we have designated each guy to a certain person. and because there are manymanymany more guys, than girls. our allocation is quite high....haha
my current desire is 30.
so i found out this morning...
and he works on the black diamond ski lift. the hardest most highest one at our resort. so theres no way im ever going to be able to become best friends with him. or even just friends.
if there was more to do, these silly crushes wouldnt exist.
but its fun. hiromi described the one she thought was goodlooking. and so we thought we knew who it was. apparently we got it wrong 3 times. she must be bad at describing people....
but fun.

this morning i woke up, and i went to go make a coffee. i thought it looked a bit strange. the water wasnt very hot. lame i thought.... so i tried to stir it with my finger. but it wouldnt work. i thought it was because the water wasnt hot enough.
soon realised i had purchased filter coffee.

i am such a fool!!!
(especially when it comes to coffee) - i recently purchased a packet of coffee, after much deliberation, only to find it was coffee beans. and i had no grinder.

but tonight i went to the supermarket. and spent a bomb. my money is officially non existant at this stage. i got a bit of alcohol. (its SO cheap here!!). some apple fanta. milk. haichew. cereal. snacks. AND A COFFEE MACHINE!! wheeeee. because they dont sell plungers. lame. i also got band aids. and body wash. and bananas. and yoghurt. and various other things.
a pillow. a real pillow. not a hard bean bag.

is it lame that i want to go to bed at 9.15pm??

i think not.

i must go.



  1. Bek you have the makings of a travel writer! Never mind that you can't do it in Japanese (at least not yet). As for reading Japanese - I suspect that is a 20 year project, so there are bound to be a few mistakes in the purchasing department! If I don't say hi tomorrow 25th Dec, have a happy Xmas! Love Mani

  2. I am NOT bad at describing people!!! You guys just suck and pick seriously UGLY guys for me- GRRRR!
