Sunday, May 30, 2010


i love(d) curry.

i really did.

and not eating it for 5months made me sad.

and want it so badly.

ever since starting work at an indian restaurant,
i can not longer stomach it in decent quantities.

which really is a shame.

im sitting here,
trying to eat dinner.

(aka curry)

but i cant.
i also have nan and porota.


its freezing today.

and, i stayed up all night (then continued today) watching a japanese drama called tumbling.

its soooo good!
and addictive.

its about a guys rhythmic gymnastics team.
at a high school.

laugh all you want.


it really is good.

maybe its because it had yamamoto yusuke in it.
and he is lovely.

the other lead guy,
seto koji,

is in koizora.
which i have also watched recently.

(you should watch koizora if you have the time. its only six episodes long.)

tumbling is still airing on tv (when im at work - booo),
so subtitles arent available on all the episodes that have aired.

im pretty sure i understand it.
well, most of it.

maybe thats too generous.

some of it.

i need to start having some adventures!

how do you have adventures on your own?

teach me. someone please.

i want to meet people.
and be friends.

and have crazytimes.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


*is hot.

*someone took my NEW yoghurt which i purchased 2HOURS AGO from the fridge. needless to say i am not happy.

*i used a coin laundry for the first time, and am wondering how i should dry my clothes.

*i uploaded photos on facebook and mixi

*i have no work. which i am completely excited about. but also not. because i have no money to do anything with, so...

*i am bored.

*i am still angry/sad about my yoghurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(especially as i cant afford to buy a new one).

*i am going to go to karaoke with some of the people i live with atm.

*i had a tofu/egg mixture creation for dinner. as well as a parota with melted cheese.

*i want to eat my yoghurt.

*the internet isnt working properly.

hmmm, yes, that is about all for today.....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


where is your shoulder when i need it?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


oh how its been a while....

like. actually.
so much has happened.
and i cant quite remember what i wrote before.......

i am currently in saizeria.
for those of you who have been to japan, will know and love saizeria. as it is a staple to the lives of the japanese.

its what they would call a family restaurant.
its the cheapest of all the family restaurant chains.

specialising in italian food.
which, has items i can eat in it.

another reason why this place is popular. is because it has a drinks bar.

unlimited softdrinks and hot drinks.


so often a good place for the sole traveller.
although, its best if you have a book or something.

so you can occupy yourself.

doing it with nothing is boring.

i would know.... ive experienced.

never again.

but here right now. there are atleast 10 other solo people.
so im not alone in my endeavour.

why, you ask, am i at such a place when i could be else where.
i am in between shifts at work.

on wednesday and thursday i have to work the lunch and dinner shift.
but at the moment, i am living with my host family right, which is 2hours away. so i cant exactly pop home inbetween shifts.

they think i live in asakusa
(which, starting from this evening i will....but more on this later)

so they say to me.


as they think its easily done.

also. because im working everyday, my boss made me buy a monthly pass from asakusa for work (which apparently i will be reimbursed for next month... i really hope so. as it was 100dollars. and because i have been in saitama. i havent been using it). so in my breaks. i can travel around the stops in between work and asakusa.
i have no idea what is at each station. and at this stage, i am too tired to explore. (during breaks)
as i get home from work after midnight every night. and when i work the morning shift. i have to leave the house at 8.30. which means earlier wake up. and then i dont get home until after midnight again.

so on my break, i often want to sit in a grassy field.

these dont exist in japan.

there is a place near my work. which has benches, trees and gravel.... but its not the type of place you can spend 5 hours.

also. when i say work. i mean 2hours per shift. well. between 2-3.
im always the first to get sent home when i work, as the other guy doesnt get paid.
so obviously they want him to stay. as i cost money.

he asked if he could work there, without pay, so he could improve his english and japanese.

there is so much pressure on me though.
as they think im fluent. i am definately not fluent.

yesterday, they recieved a fax, and instead of asking me to read it, he wanted me to ring the company, and ask why they sent it and what the meaning was.

when i say he. i mean my manager.
im not the fondest of him.
when the phone rings, and im really busy. and hes doing nothing. he picks up the phone and says rebekah.
so i have to drop what im doing to answer it. and he stands next to me, listens, and when i hang up asks what they wanted.

if he wants to know so badly, he should answer the phone himself.

its often people asking if we are open for lunch, if they can take a reservation.
or its one of the many delivery companies.
which i hate dealing with, as i dont know what to do!

and often, people call asking to speak to the manager.

or if its an indian customer, i have to pass it to him, as they get angry that i cant understand them when they make an order.

i know the menu when its english or japanese (kindof)
but when people say it properly, im like, huh????
because its not like its spelt. so me hearing it, writing it, then repeating it to the indian chefs,
is not a good combination.

yesterday. and today. he made me go outside and hand out flyers/discount coupons.
i hate doing it. as no body wants it!
and i hate being rejected, or having people say no. hate hate hate.

so this job makes me cringe every second. as every one ignores me everysecond. not a nice feeling.

and every time i come back. he asks me why i didnt give them all out. and what i really want to say is, why dont you do it yourself then?!?!?

because its hard!!!

and the guy that went back to india trained me, right. so for the drinks people order at lunch time, he told me to use the slightly smaller glasses, as the drinks are alot cheaper at lunch time.
so i do. and today, my manager told me off. because i used the smaller glasses.

and i was like WTF babu told me to use them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and when clearing the dishes, we are ment to put the cups to the back, so that it can be filled up easliy without crowding.
and i do. but this other cuban guy, who works at lunch time doesnt.

wtf. like actually.

i swear its because im a girl.
maybe hes also jealous because he thinks i can speak better japanese than him.

but really...
i cant.

actually. i know more. as in, he only knows phrases related to restaurant. but he can do it in keigo.
(the most respectful form of speaking)

i can say alot more. and know lots more. but i cant use keigo. as its not very common at all. and in my last job, i didnt have to use it.

but this restaurant is quite flash. as in, it charges a bomb at dinner time. and has a minimum charge perperson. and if some one is just coming along, and not eating, they get charged the fee.
and it got some best restaurant award last year.

and. im sick of indian food atm.

i get given lunch. and yet im in a family restaurant. eating a salad.

oh, how its been a while. as its a proper salad. not a shitty salad.
so im happy.

oh, yes. and tonight. after work. im moving to a guest house! in asakusa.
i looked at two the other day. pretty close to each other, except one in the morning, and one at night.

the one in the morning i was very very late for. and im so greatful that he still saw me. did ring him. but he said he had plans from 12, and my appointment was for 11.15.
and i turned up at 12.25.

bad me.

anyways, the place was well cool. it was like a maze!!!
except the rooms were very cramped. as in. where i would put my stuff i dont know.
but it was full. and he had some temporary accomodation till a room becomes available.
but there would be no vacancy for two months, as there were already people in the temporary room.

i really wanted to move in there. as the people seem really nice.

the one i saw at night was not as bustling with atmosphere. but it was nice. i like the fact that every single room is different.
there are 20 single rooms in the house.
and they are tiny. the size of a matress. although the bed is usually up higher so that you can use space underneath, to store your stuff.

i wonder what room ill get.

this is the place im moving into.

mainly because the manager was really nice and cool!!!!

for the moment i shall move in for a month.

.....tis now the next day,
i am in my new place. the internet works.

i am connected with real life again.

my room is a box

and last night when i was sleeping. i kept banging my head on a pole, whenever i turned over.
there is no window. but the wireless reaches my room on the third floor. wheeeee.

this weekend there is a massive matsuri (festival) in asakusa.
today was the first day. it was crazy town. like actually.....

i hate being in crowded places!

so i left.
i went with tom.

on the way home, i got some food supplies.

and i have just had cereal, a banana, some tofu and a slice of toast,

all the little things i havent eaten in ages!!!

work tonight.

i start quite late today.
at 7,

hopefully i finish at like 9.


its my attitude to work. it shouldnt be. but it is....


im going to go do something....maybe some japanese study...
and by study i really mean watch a japanese film.

slash. update my mixi blog.
which takes forever, because its in japanese....

comment. on my blog. slash email.slash skype meee.

